quarta-feira, 11 de março de 2009

Atividades 5

- Do ALL the activities provided on the "polígrafo" I gave to you. You're going to bring me this "polígrafo" done NEXT SATURDAY, MARCH 14th.

- Complete the sentences with the correctwords in parentheses:

a) Please give it to ___________. (he/him)
b) __________(She/Her) isn't here rigth now.
c) Can _________ (I/me) help you?
d) Please leave _________ (we/us) a message.
e) __________ (They/Them) are in the library.

- Imagine your friends are inviting you to do these things. Accept or refuse their invitations. Use the phrases given below.

. I'd love to. ( I would love to)
. I'd lie to. (I would like to)

Refusing and making excuses:
. I'm sorry, but I can't. I have to/need to/want to...
. Gee. I'd like to, but I have to/need to/want to...

a) A: Do you want to go to the art gallery this afternoon?
B: ___________________________________________________
b) A: Do you want to have dinner with me tomorrow night?
B: ___________________________________________________
c) A: Do you want to watch television at my house next Wednesday?
B: ___________________________________________________
d) A: Do you want to go dancing with me on Saturday night?
B: ___________________________________________________
e) A: Do you want to go hiking with me this weekend?
B: ___________________________________________________

People, any questions you might have, please: send me an e-mail, ok??

domingo, 8 de março de 2009



Tive alguns problemas durante a semana passada em função dos meus horários da faculdade, por isso as postagens ficaram meio escassas (e quando postei tentei por bastantes atividades). Bom, vou postergar o prazo para a entrega dos exercícios para o próximo Saturday, March 14th.
Irei postar mais algumas atividades durante a próxima semana para tentar recuperar os dias da semana passada.

I'm going to post tomorrow and you must send me your answers until next Saturday!
Don't forget it!

See you!

terça-feira, 3 de março de 2009

Atividades 3

These activities have to be handed on next Saturday, March 7th.

1.Give the past form of these verbs and their translations:

a)to understand
b)to rush
c)to get
d)to survive
e)to say
f)to try
g)to ring
h)to stop
i)to do
j)to enjoy
k)to fall
l)to occur

2. Supply the simple past tense of these verbs:

a)The patient(run)the frigthful risk.
b)Two hours ago they (carry) out the operation.
c)They (get) up late today.
d)As soon as he (receive) the letter, he (phone) the doctor.
e)His face (shine) when he (extract) the baby.
f)Last Saturday she (have) a small chance to survive.
g)She (enjoy) the movie very much.
h)They (buy) the house in 1985.
i)She (go) to the hospital to see a Caesarian operation.
j)It (happen) a long time ago.
k)They (know) the questions in the test.
l)She (give) all her books to the poor.

3.Change to negative form:

a)He ran away.
b)She died.
c)They came back.
d)It fell.
e)You did it.
f)We saw him.

4. Change to question form:

a)They went away.
b)She didn't survive.
c)I gave him a book.
d)Bob made it.
e)He looked at him.
f)I loved you.

5. Change first to negative form and, then, to question form:

a)I liked the film.
b)She went to the movies.
c)Peter and John saw everything.
d)Mary wrote Susan two days ago.
e)They moved to the new house last week.
f)She called her daughter last night.

I'm going to post more activities tomorrow with more explanations about the tasks we saw last class.

See you!

quarta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2009

Atividades 2

1.Complete the conversations. Use the questions and sentences bellow.

• That’s too bad. Are you going to see a doctor?
• I’m glad to hear that.
• How do you feel tonight?
• I’m fine, thanks. How about you?
• So, are you going to go to school tomorrow?
• What’s wrong?
• Great. See you tomorrow.
• I hope you feel better soon.


1. Jason: Hi, Lisa. How are you?
Lisa: I’m fine, thanks. How about you?
Jason: Not so good. Actually, I feel really awful.
Lisa: ___________________________
Jason: I think I have the flu.
Lisa: ___________________________
Jason: No, I’m going to go home and rest.
Lisa: ___________________________
Jason: Thanks.


2. Lisa: ___________________________
Jason: I feel much better.
Lisa: ___________________________
Jason: Thanks.
Lisa: ___________________________
Jason: Yes, I am.
Lisa: ___________________________

2. Make five questions using going to and the parts of the body, then answer these questions.

segunda-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2009


Hello people!


1. A data limite (dead line) para responderem as atividades da primeira etapa será dia 21/02 (próximo sábado)

2. Não esqueçam de colocarem seus nomes nas postagens!


1. Responder os exercícios que estão na quarta página do polígrafo que entreguei na aula passada (levar os exercícios feitos na próxima aula).

2. Make the questions to the following answers:

Ex.: A: What are you going to do next weekend?
B: I'm going to travel.

  • A: __________________________________

B: My mom is going to visit me.

  • A: __________________________________

B: We’re going to watch a movie tonight.

  • A: __________________________________

B: Mike is going to go to New York this Christmas.

  • A: __________________________________

B: No, I’m not going to New Zealand next month.

  • A: __________________________________

B: I’m coming back tomorrow nigth.

  • A: __________________________________

B: It’s going to be at the Plaza Hotel.

Good luck!

quinta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2009



Bom pessoal, esse aqui vai ser um espaço que eu vou utilizar pra colocar exercícios correspondentes às atividades que serão necessárias pra terminarmos o livro.

Como vai funcionar:

Irei postar todos os dias um ou dois exercícios, até o fim do livro, (de repente eu posso avisar se irei ou não postar alguma atividade no próximo dia- FIQUEM ATENTOS!).
Essas atividades serão respondidas na forma de comentários das postagens, e serão avaliadas como a nota de vocês, esse será um meio de NÃO fazermos provas, pois elas ficariam muito extensas.
Na primeira parte serão atividades totalmente relacionadas com as unidades 11, 12 e 13 do livro; irei avaliá-las como a primeira nota de vocês. Depois da segunda aula, as atividades serão relacionadas com as unidades 14, 15 e 16; e consequentemente serão avaliadas como a segunda nota de vocês.
Façam os exercícios conforme puderem (preferiria que todos fossem fazendo e respondendo conforme eu fosse postando-os, mas entendo que não seja possível para todos), portanto, darei duas datas limites de entrega de TODAS as atividades: uma data para as atividades da primeira etapa, e a outra para as da segunda etapa. Caso essas datas não sejam respeitadas, infelizmente não vou poder recebê-las após o limite, pois todos terão o MESMO tempo para fazer.

As postagens com as respostas devem ser identificadas sempre com o nome completo de vocês e enviadas utilizando a opção ANÔNIMO.

Well, I hope you like it! I think that it's a better way to runnaway from tests.

Good work!